Monday, October 19, 2009


Update on yesterday's post: it's all systems are GO for München on the 7th November with Judith. So excited!

Also, Rachel's coming to visit me on 14th November. Oh my gosh. I cannot wait!

I'm seriously all of the exciteds right now. No one else in the world can be feeling this emotion because I'm using it all up.

Also going to see Eskimo Joe with my Dortmund Double and one of my friends tomorrow night. Have I mentioned the Dortmund Double programme yet? Basically students at the uni who have been on an exchange, are going, or just have an interest in meeting some American students volunteer to be partnered up with one of the US exchange students. I'm included in this group because there's no programme for Australian exchange students going overseas. In the US they have ISEP, in Europe they have Erasmus. For Aussies they have nothing. So anyway, I have two Dortmund Doubles, Mareike and Helene, who I met for the first time last week. Basically they system works like built-in friends at the uni. Mareike lived in Brisbane for a year studying English and became a big Eskimo Joe fan and heard they were playing in Düsseldorf so she asked if I wanted to come along. Hells yes I wanted to come along! So we're going tomorrow night.


Emma said...

sar that is so exciting about catching up with rach and everyone else. Wish i was over there with you guys. i miss you both so much. i hope you have heaps of fun at the concert.

Nicole said...

So did the money go through? If so, YAYNESS!!

Sarah said...

Oh Nicole, of course I've received no money yet. Because the universe is out to get me. If only I had bought THE SECRET!


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