Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ooooh yeah!

So tomorrow (TOMORROW!) I'm off to see Krakow and to see Rachel!

This photo is from a year ago. That was the most recent

(half decent, not drunk yet) photo of the two of us I could
find. Must remedy that this weekend.

I have not seen this girl since May because the mole has been getting her tourist-on across SE Asia. You can read all about it if you click on the link on the side bar. Her's is the one entitled "Rachel's Travel Blog" incase you're having difficulty with that whole connecting-words-to-concepts thing. I know I've been having a massive problem with that lately. Thinking hurts.

So when I say I'm going to "see" Rachel and Krakow, I should mention that I will see vague shapes. I currently have an eye infection (you know, because suffering from death wasn't enough, let's just throw in BLINDNESS) so I can't wear my contacts. And my glasses prescription is either from highschool or from that year I thought I'd give TAFE a go. Either way, it's bloody old. It's never been an issue before because I only wear my glasses for that hour before bed once a month when I actually take my contacts out to replace them the next morning. But now for two weeks I shall be blind, and I think all this straining of my eyes will make them worse. Win.

But I'm sure being blind to begin with will make it seem not so bad when I'm blind after all the Polish vodka I will be drinking...


Jenni said...

sucks about the eye infection! I can sympathise...

Bones said...

Polish Vodka? Wanna apologise in advance?

Jesus I've missed you lately! Also, you need to resend me your address! I can't find the thing you gave me, and I wanna send you stuff! I bought you something on my Liza weekend!!!! So hurry up, slag mole! Also, how awesome did my pictures of that weekend look!


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