Friday, August 28, 2009

Germania. Or, living in a teeny tiny little village.

So I've been here in Germania with Lara for a week and a half. So far I love it. I can't believe I'm with Lara again, someone I thought I wouldn't see again for years (Judith, it's you next). It's like no time has passed - we just picked up right where we left off in January 2007, still drinking massive amounts of coffee, chatting about au pair life (general concensus - a great experience, but what the hell were we thinking?), and doing absolutely nothing. Great fun.

When I got here I had come at the most stressful time - 2 days before her sister's wedding. Her sister was officially married last year in a registry office but were having a church wedding this year. It also happened to be Nonno's birthday. I would link to how I spent Nonno's birthday last year, but that was a really bad time for me, so no linky (you can obviously search and discover it for yourself). Let's just say this was completely different. For a start, no drunkeness. I know. Me, not drunk at a wedding. Also, I was completely surrounded by people, and I was very happy.

The first two days I was in the thick of things decorating, helping out and generally trying not to be in the way. So much stress. The wedding itself was lovely. I got in trouble for taking a photo in the church, which apparently you're not allowed to do here because it's a sacred place and all that. That would annoy me if I got married and couldn't have photos of my wedding ceremony. But anyway. Then we went to the reception. I drove with Lara's grandpa who was really lovely - he slipped me 20 Euros as a "Welcome to Germany" present. "Do you smoke?" he asks me. "No." "Then buy yourself some chocolate." Will do!

Speaking of smoking, let me interrupt myself here to mention my worry for the next 6 months: everyone here smokes. Lara's boyfriend smokes, Lara's parents smoke. Lara doesn't smoke, but everyone we've been hanging around smokes. Apart from my dad, who I never see, I know only one person that smokes. Or at least, one person that smokes around me. A certain cousin (silly, silly boy) knows better than to exhale smoke in my vicinity. But suddenly smokers are everywhere and smoking around me, and I'm getting used to the smell. And everyone smokes over here. I was at a cafe, sitting outside trying to enjoy my coffee and my book with partially obscured vision from the smoke. I'll obviously have to get used to it, but it's just weird. (In 10 years time I'll be wrinkly and cancer riddled, but will have had a fantastic time :P)

So anyway, the wedding. First point of difference - they wear formal dresses. I had to borrow a dress from Lara's sister which only just fit. Had to be really careful about breathing. Tight. Could have passed in my pretty dress I'd bought for the ballet (trying to get maximum miles out of that one... also, Jenny, the moment I'm back we're going to another ballet), but a certain mother informed me on my last day in Rome that she hadn't sent the dress yet. Cue huge angry international fight. I spent my last day in Rome shopping like a mad woman trying to find something suitable to wear, only to find nothing. I also missed out on seeing the Ara Pacis and Museum of Augustus. Yes, my mother and I had words. Story of my life. (Really though, I should have known that I couldn't rely on her. It's only been 24 years of constant disappointment. But I keep thinking, this time will be different! She loves me so she'll do this for me...) But this dress was pretty, if a little tight (if a LOT tight) and anyway, it's not like anyone would be focusing on me so it would do for one night.

The reception was great and everything went off without a hitch. This lovely old Italian man kept making me dance, which would be fine, except they were doing proper dances, with steps. So I spent the whole time looking down at my feet. Good fun. Also made friends with a 12 year old girl named Vanessa. I seem to be a novelty with my whole inability to communicate. She was great fun though.

Now that the stress of the wedding is over I've had time to do other things, like exploring the town. While Lara was tutoring I decided that I would go with her into the town and spend the time exploring. Everyone looked at me like I was a crazy woman when I told them my plans. "But Sarah, Lara will be tutoring for 3 hours." "Yup." "But you can't spend 3 hours in Altena!" "No, it'll be fine." After half an hour of reassuring them that I could entertain myself, I set off with Lara. We got her her building where she tutors and she's like, "That's the main street. You can go up, you can go down. Enjoy."

So I did. I ambled (my least favourite activity) and wandered through the town. There's really not that much to do, but it's absolutely gorgeous. I popped into every shop (all of which were closed for lunch when I first started wandering), stopped for coffee down one end of the street and again at the other end of the street and stretched it out for three hours. They were right though, there wasn't too much to do, but it was nice just to be there.

I really should learn some German though. I just smile and say, "Ja." I probably seem like the most simple person in the world.

Yesterday was great though - we went to my uni to meet up with someone from the international office. I'm looking forward to my language classes which start on the 7th, and the uni seems pretty alright. I'm not looking forward to my subjects though. I'm pretty limited in my options. A bit annoyed because last semester they had a Shakespeare in Film class and now it's not offered. And apparently they study 12 subjects per semester. Erm... I struggle with 4 subjects. We shall see how this goes...


Cookie Monster said...

Hey, I am really sorry that I hadn't enough time in the last week because of my studies... hope thta you enjoy the time with nicole in berlin!
See ya next week

Emma said...

ok so it dosnt matter how many people are smoking you are not to start.... haha. glad to read your having fun.. keep me there anything you need? love you log time...

Judith said...

Sarah, it´s so nice reading about you having fun in "germania"! :)
Hope to see you soon! You´ve got plenty of time to get down here with Lara in anytime you want! ;)

Jenni said...

12 SUBJECTS!?! are they crazy?

anyway, glad your having a good time! and we will definitely go to the ballet - before we're too old for the youth tickets, you have to be younger than 26 so I only have another year!


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