Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So, as my title may suggest, I'm slightly panicking because I am back home in one month. I leave Germany in 15 days to go to London. I leave England in 27 days and I arrive home two days later. Holy eff. I'm not ready!!! I have so much to see! So much to do! So much to write about!!

Things I need to write about:
  • Amsterdam
  • Prague
  • Trieste
  • The Black Forest and visiting Miriam and Natalia

and that's just the travelly bits. I still have to tell you about the Gymnasium (high school) I visit every week. I'm teaching a lesson there tomorrow for the first time. I'm freaking out. It's only to year 5 kids, but I think that's even worse because I have to teach them English. Erm... I don't even speak English very good. (See? I used "very good" instead of "very well." Mostly it was to prove my point, but it's proof that I shouldn't teach English as a second language.) Anyway, I've baked ANZAC cookies to sweeten the deal. I'm worried I haven't cooked enough. I cooked 40 but I'm bringing 30. Hey man, I slaved over a hot stove, or something, so I should get some too!

Anyhow. Argh. Panic stations!!!


Jenni said...

cookies can fix anything. you'll be fine!

Katos said...

You never baked ME anzac cookies.... whore!


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