Saturday, January 2, 2010

Woops, forgot to blog

So, it's been a very long time since my last post, mostly because I've been so damned busy with uni and travelling and doing nothing... Also, I've been incredibly homesick. Like, bad homesick. Like, crying when I speak to people back home (silently though - I don't want to freak people out while I'm talking to them). I'm pretty sure I was never this homesick when I was in America. Or maybe I can't remember. I remember getting pretty low when it got cold, but I can't remember it being this bad.

So anyway, at the moment I've spent the entire day in bed because my lower back is debilitatingly painful. Great fun. I'm so bloody geriatric - I even struggled to stay awake for midnight on New Year's. And now this back. I just woke up with it and thought I'd slept badly, but unless I kicked myself in the kidneys in my sleep (who can say?) it wasn't my sleep. Which annoys the crap out of me because I had been planning to go to Dortmund and do some shopping today. Erm, no. Not happening. Hopefully I'm better tomorrow because I would like to go to the gym, something I haven't had a chance to do in two weeks, what with uni and travel, and I'm not too happy about it because this gym membership cost me a fortune and it end on Jan 26th. Grr.

So, on that note, let's get back to regular blogging and recap on the events of December and the beginning of January.

December began with Dublin, a place that I was really looking forward to visiting because I was going to be catching up with Nicole and I was also excited to be spending the weekend in an English speaking country.

Turns out it's not an English speaking country. I had no idea what anyone was saying the entire time. I really hate to say this, but I didn't really enjoy Dublin very much at all. The only good part was seeing Nicole again, the awesome coffee at the cafe attached to the hostel, and the fact that the pub across the road from the hostel was called, "The John Lynch." Other than that, there's really nothing special about Dublin as a tourist. I know that seems really harsh to say and I feel so bad thinking it, but I really struggled to do find anything to do. I took about ten photos the entire time. There's a fabulous museum called the Chester Beaty Library, which houses a collection of rare manuscripts and artefacts, but unfortunately we could only spend an hour there because we didn't realise it closed at 5. I actually ended up spending a LOT of money that weekend because it's such an expensive city. You really couldn't buy a meal for less than 15 Euros. Dublin killed my bank account.

And that's about it.

I did try my first Guinness. I don't really mind it - it's just a heavier altbier, but it's like a freaking meal it's so heavy.

I hate to be such a downer about it all, and I hate ragging on someone else's city. I guess it didn't help that I was really bloody tired the entire time I was there, and feeling incredibly poor with having to spend $12 on a shitty sandwich. I think I'd eventually like to go back to Ireland when I'm older and hire a car and drive around and see the actual countryside, then I think it would be great. But for now, overall feeling of Dublin is one of meh.

Here's a link to the small number of photos I took.

1 comment:

Kate T said...

Once again I am led to believe our bodies are somehow linked, and every few months they get together, have a little party and decide which part of us they'd like to fuck up for a few days/weeks.. obviously, new years was the time of the backs, to make us not be able to walk without looking like a massive dick/grandma and cause horrible debilitating pain.. awesome xx


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