Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 15: San Juan de Ortega to Burgos (23km)

Day 15: San Juan de Ortega to Burgos (23km)

Had a terrible sleep, of course. Something we realised during the night- those really terrible snorers, the ones that keep you up all night? They have an amazing sleep. Everyone else has to have the worst night's sleep ever because of them. Argh!

We hit the road and headed to the next town for brekkie because there was nowhere open in this one. When we got there we saw how awesome it was, and how many food and accomodation options where were. Over a delicious breakfast, Noni and I decided that we never stayed at that awful place. Instead, we stayed here, had an amazing sleep, and were only now just setting out.

Well, would you believe that craziness worked?! We left the village with a new sense of purpose and vigour and started to actually enjoy the walk!

We went through another town called Atapuerca. This town was another lovely one, and was famous for having a Neolithic body discovered there. The town had so many random animals hanging about, including these chooks.

Why did the chickens cross the road? Because their mates were on the other side.

Of course after this town there was a giant hill. It was so rocky and gross to walk up- my ankle was killing me!

We got to the top of this hill/mountain and were rewarded with some really fun things- a cross, a maze, many arrows pointing our way, and stunning views. Some people had had lots of time on their hands up there. We couldn't linger too long because the wind was pretty bad.

We stopped at the half way point to Burgos and had a snack. We were trying to research accomodation options when Noni came across some very interesting information: due to the ugly industrial area in the 8km leading into Burgos, many pilgrims takes bus from the town before it. Well! "Many pilgrims"?! And several different sites told us to do it. That's practically a gift from God! 

We decided to see how we felt when we got to the town where we would catch a bus from, but considering the 7km before it had stunning views like this one below,our minds were easily made up.

Best. Euro. Ever. Spent.

Here is us on the amazing bus looking and feeling ecstatic:

We were super happy due to getting to miss out on stunning views and highway walking, like this:

It definitely helped because between Noni's cold and bung knee, and my suddenly disagreeable ankle, it just felt awesome.

We were greeted by these guys. It seemed like something from Spirited Away.

After finding accomodation and going on a wild goosechase to find somewhere todo laundry, we were eventually directed to the municipal albergue. And who should be sitting outside? The whole gang! John! Tosantos albergue buddies! And Chris!

Chris had caught the bus from the town he had been taken to hospital from, and was going to spend a couple of days on Burgos. John was going to stay with him to make sure that occurred, because we all knew how stubborn Chris is.

We couldn't do much sight seeing in Burgos due to my ankle finally giving up. I bought a pressure bandage in the hopes it would help for tomorrow.

We did manage to take in the cathedral, which was stunning.

And then we collapsed in bed in a haze of whinging. 

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